- Fisherman Songs for baritone and piano will be premiered on Sunday, June 8, 2025, on the Rites of Spring Music Festical by Christopher Herbert, baritone and Timothy Long, piano.
- Wingbeat for amplified harp and 2-channel fixed audio has been chosen for the NYCEMF 2022. The premiere will occur on Sunday, June 26, 2022, by the harpist Sonia Bize. The Loreta Theater, Sheen Center
- In-Between, the audio-visual collaboration between Canadian artist Chris Myhr and myself is a “Semi-Finalist” in the Blowup Film Fest, an international film festival in Chicago.
- Worldwide release of the soundtrack for In-Between on all streaming services on October 1, 2021. High-resolution promo photo
- Micro-donations for live streaming the performance of Wingbeat for harp and 2-channel fixed audio are now being handled through Patreon
- In-Between (2020), a twenty-minute audio-visual collaboration with artist Chris Myhr is on Concert 14 of the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival 2021, June 21-27, 2021. All concerts can be viewed at any time during the festival. The link for the festival program including the links to the online performances are at: New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival 2021
- In-Between (2020), an audio-visual collaboration with artist Chris Myhr has been selected by the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival 2021 for a performance for June, 2021. Details to follow.
- Wingbeat for harp and 2-channel audio fixed media was composed for Ruth Bannett, harpist with the Yucatan Symphony Orchestra. It is a 17-minute work inspired by the ancient mythology surrounding swans.
- American Lullaby for soprano and piano is two minute protest song. I am looking for a soprano who needs a new song to round out their program. Get it HERE, American Lullaby Score
- In-between (2020), an audio-visual collaboration with the artist Chris Myhris complete. It will be entered in various film festivals around North America.
- Turning for bass clarinet, percussion, contrabass and piano is now available through Edition Peters
- Hymn to the Vanished for clarinet and piano was premiered at Adelphi University’s Distinguished Faculty Recital, Mark Gustavson, clarinet & Jad Bernardo, piano on February 15, 2014.
- Worldwide release of new album “Dissolving Images” on Albany Records (TROY1424) on July 1, 2013.
- Received a commission from Stony Brook University to compose a piece for the Stony Brook Contemporary Chamber Players, premiere will be in November of 2012 at Stony Brook and with a subsequent performance at Symphony Space, New York City.
- Received a grant from the Aaron Copland Fund towards a CD on Albany Records, Spring 2011.
- Received a grant from the Alice M. Ditson Fund towards a CD on Albany Records, Spring 2011.

Photo taken by the Dutch jazz pianist and friend Hans Vroomans in Amsterdam around the time of the composition of Dissolving Images.